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Funds & Campaigns

There are many ways you can help support the work of Moreland Notre Dame School.


  • Our Tuition Assistance Fund helps make Catholic education accessible for many of our students. Tuition assistance is funded by donations to our Memorial Fund. You can also donate directly to the assistance fund or to one of our named scholarships: Carley Rios Memorial Scholarship, Maryann Pengelly Memorial Scholarship, Sandi Miller Memorial Scholarship to help students who otherwise could not attend Notre Dame.
  • The MND Endowment Fund is another way you can help ensure the future of Catholic education in Watsonville. An endowment is a permanent fund that, as it grows, will provide the school with an annual income.
  • Remembering MND in wills – planned or deferred gifts benefit you and your loved ones while supporting MND students for years to come.
  • Corporate Matching-Gift Programs are an easy way to double your donation to MND. Find out if your company has a matching gift program and sign up for MND to receive a contribution from your company.
  • Direct gifts to the school can be cash, securities, stocks, bonds, & real estate. Cash donations can be made through debit and credit card transactions, by outright cash, personal checks, and cashier’s checks made out to Moreland Notre Dame School. Check with the office on how to transfer your securities, stocks, and bonds.
  • Gift Pledges are gifts made over time to the school. With a pledge, you may complete your gift-giving over a period of time making recurring payments. It is a great way to manage charitable giving without the worry of missing a payment. You set the frequency and select the payment method. This allows you to make a more generous gift than you thought you could.
  • Payments can be made through our donate button on our website
  • Donations to our Capital Campaign starting in the Fall of 2025 to renovate the Julie Center (the old convent) can be made directly to the campaign or pledges over 3 years.

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