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Mission Statement, Philosophy & Hallmarks

Statement Of Mission

"How good the good God is...Why can't we proclaim it to the whole world?"

St. Julie Billiart, Foundress, Sisters of Notre Dame

Moreland Notre Dame School is a TK through 8th grade Catholic school founded and sponsored by the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur. We are a school rooted in the Hallmarks of a Notre Dame de Namur Learning Community and are committed to providing quality academic preparedness while educating our students for life.


MND seeks to express the goodness of God by fostering A sense of family A safe environment where:

  • each child is treated as sacred
  • justice and service to others is expected
  • diversity is welcomed and celebrated


"Moreland Notre Dame- educating students for life."


School Philosophy

Moreland Notre Dame School, in partnership with parents, seeks to create an environment where students grow in their understanding of themselves as children of God and important members of ever-widening communities of faith: family, classroom, school, local and global communities, and Church. As members of this school community we desire that our actions demonstrate the goodness of God.

We aspire to be a Catholic school in the tradition of the Sisters of Notre Dame, in which students can learn and grow in a safe and nurturing environment in the company of teachers, staff, and classmates. In the words of St. Julie Billiart, we work to teach our students “whatever is necessary to equip them for life.” Moreland Notre School incorporates the characteristics, values, and activities set forth in the documentHallmarks of a Notre Dame de Namur Learning Community.

We envision our students as Catholic adults of the 21st century who possess the maturity, knowledge, skills, self-discipline and sense of justice to be of service to the world in which they live. We acknowledge that the world in which our students will live and serve may require knowledge and skills we cannot always anticipate; therefore, their ability and willingness to be lifelong learners is essential.


Hallmarks are the essentialcharacteristics, valuesand activitiesf a Notre Dame learning community. The Hallmarks emerged in response to the question from both the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur and their co-workers: "What makes a learning community a Notre Dame Learning Community?" The Sisters and the learning communities began to explore this question in 2003. The culmination of these discussions — seven Hallmarks that concisely and beautifully express the values of a Notre Dame Learning Community.

  • We proclaim by our lives even more than by our words that God is good.
  • We honor the dignity and sacredness of each person.
  • We educate for and act on behalf of justice and peace in the world.
  • We commit ourselves to community service.
  • We embrace the gift of diversity.
  • We create community among those with whom we work and with those we serve.
  • We develop holistic learning communities which educate for life.