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Applying foundational knowledge and skills, our intermediate students form stronger cross-curricular connections and develop their understanding of themselves and the world.


Our students in grades 3-5 are challenged to increase their independence and responsibility in their faith, in their academics, and in their actions. Students’ faith grows as they experience God in new ways and their respect for and understanding of others continues to develop. Active participation, collaboration with peers, and organization are emphasized to support student achievement at the intermediate level and beyond.

Academics & Enrichment

Exercising their growing independence, students delve into the rich intermediate curriculum, exploring California and U.S. history, reading and interpreting novels, learning and practicing the writing process, and expanding their mathematical skills to include solving multi-step equations, multiplication, division, and more. Intermediate students benefit from regular Spanish and P.E. classes. While our students in Third and Fourth grade continue to have a weekly Fine Arts class, our Fifth grade students engage in weekly Art classes. Hands-on science activities as well as interactive lessons on the Chromebooks extend the classroom learning.